Program Learning Outcomes (PLO's)

For students graduating with MSE Smart Sustainable Energy degrees:

1. Understand the fundamental technical concepts of energy development & 替代 energy systems and their applications including addressing the zero-carbon energy 挑战.

2. Understand basic manufacturing process and application of different 替代 能量.

3. Build power electronic interfacing systems to connect 替代 energy sources 随着负载需求.

4. Apply techniques for assessing reliability (resilience and disaster impact) and risk management (calculations).

5. Develop simulation models and estimation algorithms for energy systems and energy devices including electrochemical storage systems.

6. Integrate energy storage devices with renewable energy sources in standal一个 and 网格绑定应用. (hybrid energy systems and use of battery storage with renewable 能源)

7. Optimize sizing and operations of hybrid energy systems.

8. Design feedback control for energy management systems to extract optimal energy from the 替代 sources.

9. Understand economic and demand of the energy market considering equitable distribution and use analytical tools and methodologies to assess market operations. (ex. 生命周期 cost analysis: decommissioning and recycling analyses).

10. Understand regulation mechanisms and policy related to energy market.

11. Maintain and sustain lifelong learning skills and interest in energy exploration.