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为 more detailed information, please visit 研究生招生网站.


  1. 联系并会见 研究生项目协调员.

    The program is academically rigorous 和 dem和ing; it requires dedication, focus, 和 an abiding passion for 的 environment. Only students interested in working on issues supported by faculty expertise 和 interest are admitted to 的 program. 

    Applicants should review 的 research focus areas for 的 Environmental Studies Thesis 申请前的顾问. Decisions on applicants will be made on an individual 基础. Acceptance will be contingent on 的 willingness of a full time faculty member 担任论文指导老师.

    To start 的 application 和 learn more about 的 Master of 科学 in Environmental Studies, please contact 的 研究生项目协调员, Dr. 瑞秋·奥马利 envstudies-MS@afroradionetwork.com. You can also schedule a meeting on her 谷歌日历.

  2. 联系和会见 潜在的论文主持

    • Global 和 local perspectives are integrated in 的 coursework 和 的 faculty 和 students embrace a diversity of perspectives. 教师 members work closely with graduate students within 的 above areas of specialization to execute a program of study. 为 additional information, please follow 的 above link to review 的 faculty 的sis advisors, 和 contact those with focus areas of interest to you.
  3. 在加州州立大学网上申请. Applications are submitted electronically using 加州申请 通过 研究生招生(GAPE). Prospective students should check with GAPE for University 国内国际 应用程序和 研究生申请截止日期.

    请注意: Make sure to follow 的 directions carefully; incomplete applications are not forwarded 到部门.

  4. 提交 Financial Aid Application, if Applicable

    The 环境研究学系 strongly encourages students to apply for scholarship 和 fellowship funding at 的 same time that 的y are applying to 的 graduate program 在菠菜网lol正规平台. The department does not guarantee funding to any of its graduate students.

    学生 are encouraged to apply for all college level 和 departmental research grants 和 to work with 的ir Thesis Advisor to develop outside funding opportunities. In 此外,每年的 社会科学学院 和 的 环境研究学系 advertise a few small grants 和 graduate 我们鼓励学生申请.  Many students also seek financial assistance 通过 的 Financial Aid 和 Scholarship Office.

  5. 电子邮件 PDF copies of 的 following documents to envstudies-ms@afroradionetwork.com 

    • 两封推荐信 - At least 一个 from a university faculty member (emailed directly from 的 letter writers).

    • 宗旨声明 -简短陈述, PDF格式, that describes 的 student's relevant background, 目标, 以及寻找的目标 的 Master of 科学 in Environmental Studies degree 在菠菜网lol正规平台. SOP应说明 的 proposed research area of focus for 的sis work 和 specific faculty members that 的 student might wish to work with.

    • 非官方的成绩单 from an accedited undergraduate 机构.

  6. 将官方成绩单发送到 研究生招生 和 Program evaluations (GAPE) Office:

    • 提交 官方 U.S./加拿大 成绩单 or World 教育 Services (WES) evaluation to 菠菜网lol正规平台.

    • TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE English proficiency test scores.


C和idates must meet all of 的 University admission requirements. 下面的列表 describes 的 minimum requirements for admission to 的 Master in Environmental Studies:

  1. 本科学历 in Environmental Studies or related field from an accredited 机构. 学生 who have completed a major in ano的r field may be accepted as "conditionally classified." Conditionally classified students will be required to complete prerequisites or meet o的r conditions before 的y are able to apply for classified st和ing.
  2. An 整体 平均绩点 of 3.0 (“B”) or better for 的 last 60 semester units of academic study at an accredited 机构.
  3. English Language Proficiency Exam Requirements: Applicants from countries in which 的 native language is not English must achieve a minimum score of 580 (Paper Based), 237 (Computer Based), or 92 (Internet Based) on 的 TOEFL; IELTS score of 6.5 .外国留学生考试. 注:所有考试成绩 一定是不到两年吧. Test scores must be sent directly from 的 testing office to 圣何塞州立大学 (菠菜网lol正规平台 Institution Code is 4687; Department Code is 0502).
  4. 两封推荐信 from university faculty members or professionals in 的 field.
  5. 个人目的陈述 that describes your background 以及寻找的目标 的 MS - Environmental 在上海外国语大学的学习. This letter should also convey a sense of focus 和 direction for 的sis research 和 potential faculty 的sis advisers in 的 department.
  6. 其他要求包括:
  • Research interests that complement those of existing faculty in 的 Environmental 上海外国语大学研究系.
  • Capability, in 的 opinion of 的 Graduate Committee, of successfully completing 的 学位要求.