
Within the context of these three descriptions 和 the mission statement 和 the College of 工程 Objectives, The objectives of the ISE Program are to enable graduates to be performing in the following manner 3 to 5 years post graduation:

  • Function effectively as an ISE professional designing or improving 和 implementing 业务流程.
  • 识别 和 use methodologies to formulate 和 开发 solutions for problems encountered 在他们的组织中.
  • 使用 computational skills to 分析 和 解释数据 to 解决 systems problems.
  • Provide leadership in a diverse workspace 和 globally complex environment.


Student Outcomes, Performance Criteria, 课程s 使用d to Assess


An ability to identify, formulate, 解决 complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, mathematics

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩1:

解决 statistical decision making engineering problems (应用 knowledge of mathematics) 课程:ISE 130

制定 解决 engineering economic 分析 problems. 课程:ISE 102

识别和申请 improvement of process 策略, cycle time 和 WIP reduction methodologies. 课程ISE 140

制定 解决 operations research/management decision making problems. 课程ISE 170


An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, economic factors

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩2:

设计 计划 过程、设施. ISE 195B课程

开发 a strategic 和 management 计划s. 课程:ISE 195B

设计 开发 a new, effective 和 efficient system. 课程:课程is105

应用 工作测量方法 分析 组装方法. 课程120年伊势


An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩3:

开发 技术写作技巧. 航向engr100w

沟通 in small teams via writing 和 in a variety of other ways. 课程120年伊势

演示了 effective technical presentations 和 writing senior design report. ISE 195A课程

演示了 effective technical presentations 和 writing senior design report. ISE 195B课程


An ability to recognize ethical 和 professional responsibilities in engineering situations 和 make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, societal contexts

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩4:

演示了 knowledge of professional code of ethics. 课程ISE 151

演示了 an ability to make informed ethical choices. 课程ISE 102

演示了 an ability to make informed choices. 课程ISE 105

演示了 ethical 和 professional responsibilities in making judgments. 课程ISE 155


An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative 和 inclusive environment, establish goals, 计划 tasks, 满足目标

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩5:

团队决策: 分析 a work measurement problem as a team. 课程120年伊势

识别 benefits of interpersonal styles 和 conflict management skills in personal 和 professional 设置. 课程ISE 150

团队沟通: Active listening, feedback, influencing others, sharing information. 151年课程

分析 any given system 和 improve it effectively 和 efficiently. 课程ISE 105.


An ability to 开发 和 conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析 和 解释 data, use engineering judgment to draw conclusions

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩6:

解决 statistical decision making engineering problems (分析和解释 数据). 课程:ISE 130

解决 statistical decision making engineering problems (分析和解释 数据). ISE 130课程

设计 实验和 收集, 分析, 解释数据 解决工程问题. 课程ISE 135

分析, 解释 模拟研究中的数据. 课程ISE 167


An ability to acquire 和 apply new knowledge as needed, 使用 appropriate learning 策略.

Performance Criteria 使用d to Assess 学生成绩7:

分析 和 解决 operational problems 使用 software (e.g. Microsoft Excel). 课程ISE 140

研究 presen当代话题. 课程ISE 1195A

使用 of current financial data/parameters to 解决 engineering decision-making problems. 课程ISE 102

分析 the existing systems/processes 使用 a simulation software. 课程ISE 167

识别 分析 the benefits of a well- defined 和 integrated supply chain 和 the technical benefits ERP系统的影响. 课程ISE 155

分析问题 requiring work measurement methodologies by 使用 软件 分析. 课程. 120年伊势

开发 an underst和ing of the "state of the art" of service management thinking. 课程 142年伊势